
Borrowing Information

Library Card/Account:

How much does it cost to get a library card?

Absolutely nothing!  It's free to get your first library card.  If you lose it a replacement card costs $2.

What do I need in order to get a library card?
If you're older than eighteen : 

A picture ID and proof of address

If you're under eighteen :

Parent or legal guardian with

A picture ID and proof of address

How old do you have to be to get a library card?

Five years old

Checking out:

Item Limit : 30


Checkout time : 21 days

Overdue fines : $0.10 per day


Limit : 5

Checkout time : One Week

Overdue fines : $1.00 per day


Checkout time : 21 days

Overdue Fines : $0.10 per day

Audio Books

Checkout time : 21 days

Overdue Fines : $0.10 per day

Playaway View

Limit : 5

Checkout time : Two Weeks

Overdue fines : $1.00 per day

Can I renew books or movies over the phone?

You  can renew books, CDs, playaways, magazines, or audio books over the  phone UNLESS they are on hold for someone else.  You cannot renew movies  over the phone, only in the library.  You may renew items up to one  time as long as it is not on hold for someone else

Effective March 7, 2016

On January 14, 2016 The Tomah Public Library Board of Trustees enacted the following policy for overdue materials:

1. Patrons who have overdue materials will be mailed a notice when their items are 5 (five) days overdue.

2. Patrons who fail to return their materials 30 (thirty) days from the material's due date will be mailed a second overdue notice.   At this time, an attempt will be made to telephone the patron about the  overdue materials.

The second overdue notice will inform the patron that they have 15 (fifteen) days to either return or pay for the overdue materials.  Items not returned within 15 (fifteen) days will be referred to the Tomah Police Department.

3. Materials not returned 30 (thirty days) from their due date will be placed in "lost" status.  Patrons who pay for missing materials will have 60 (sixty) days from that date to return the overdue material for a refund.

4. At the discretion of the Library Director, materials that are in high demand will be replaced when they are 2 (two) weeks overdue.  At that time, patrons will be charged the price of the material and NO refunds will be issued.

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